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Armstrong Cooper Girls Fastpitch Association

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Field Schedule Coach Resources

MN Softball USA Softball Videos 2025 USA RuleBook

Key Dates

AC Coach Meeting

When: March 26 6:00-8:00 PM
Where: Davanni's
Golden Valley

Big West Coach Meeting

When: April 8
10U & 12U = 6:00 - 8:00 PM
14U = 8:00 - 10:00 PM
Where: Medina Entertainment
Center Ballroom
500 Hwy 55
Medina MN 55340

AC Kick-Off Meeting

When: April 13, time 1:00-2:30 PM
Where: New Hope Community Gyms
8230 47th Ave N
New Hope MN 55428

MN Softball Team Management

Our team staff, roster and events are managed using the Minnesota Softball system, found at Head coaches are responsible for managing their team's staff, roster and events (including tournament entry). With more tournaments going paperless, it is important to have your team roster complete prior to your first tournament. If using sub(s) for a tournament, add them to your roster and release them afterwards. Using a player that is not on your team's online roster can result in a forfeit for using an illegal player. Don't be that coach.

Parents can optionally upload their player's birth certificate and have their age verified by MN Softball instead of providing paper copies to head coaches. This only needs to be completed once during a players "career".

See our Coach Resources page or the MN Softball Help Library page for helpful videos about using the MN Softball system.


In addition to State Qualifiers and State, Summer teams are each allocated additional tournaments. The number of allotted tournaments is determined by age division (below). Any tournaments beyond these must be agreed upon by the head coach and parents and funded at the players’ expense.

  • 8U & 10U - 1 additional tournament
  • 12U, 14U & HS - 2 additional tournaments

See for a list of available tournaments. See the Coach Resource page for a help video for entering tournaments.

NOTE: some tournaments are managed outside of the MN Softball system. If a 3rd party site requires a credit card to register, email the tournament director and ask about offline payments options.

Required Training

The following training/certification must be completed prior to your first team event. When finished, upload the SafeSport, Concussion and ACE certificates to your MN Softball account at Click the compliance button by your name to open a window for uploading the certificates. If you do not see a compliance button, you are not part of your team's staff in the system. If you are an assistant coach, see your head coach. If you are a head coach, email [email protected]

Head coaches are required to complete Code of Conduct, Background Check, SafeSport, Concussion and ACE training. Your background check will be included in ACE training.

Assistant coaches are required to complete Code of Conduct, Background Check, SafeSport and Concussion training. 

See our Required Training page for links and more information regarding the required training.

Field Status

Closed Closed

Armstrong High School (04:57 PM | 12/11/24)

Closed Closed

New Hope Learning Center (04:57 PM | 12/11/24)

Closed Closed

Lee Park (08:31 AM | 08/16/22)

Closed Closed

Manor Park (12:07 PM | 11/06/22)

Closed Closed

Robbinsdale Middle School (12:07 PM | 11/06/22)

Closed Closed

Sanborn Park (04:57 PM | 12/11/24)

Closed Closed

Spanjers Park (04:57 PM | 12/11/24)

Closed Closed

Sunnyside Park (12:07 PM | 11/06/22)

Closed Closed

Begin Park (08:31 AM | 08/16/22)

Closed Closed

Medley Park (08:31 AM | 08/16/22)

Closed Closed

Northwood Park (04:57 PM | 12/11/24)

Closed Closed

Plymouth Community Playfields (06:04 PM | 12/11/24)