Website Manager

Armstrong Cooper Girls Fastpitch Association

Background Check

Background Check

Head coaches - your background check is included as part of your ACE training. Once purchased, send your receipt to [email protected] (Attn: Kris) and upload your digital card to your MN Softball account.

Assistant coaches - background checks are performed through Once purchased, send your receipt to [email protected] (Attn: Kris) and upload your digital card to your MN Softball account.

Accessing your digital card(s)
After the background check is processed, visit to download your digital card.

SafeSport Training

SafeSport Training


If you are creating a new account, use the following information:
      Association = MN - Minnesota
      Group = Minn JO (Youth) - Play
      League = Minnesota Softball

Once logged in, select the SafeSport tab on the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

See MN Softball's SafeSport page for more information and a how to guide.

Heads Up Concussion Training

CDC Heads Up Concussion Training


If you are creating a new account, using the following information to select a group:
  1. Select Prevention & Promotion
    • Click Confirm These Selections and then Continue
  2. Select Not a State Employee
  3. Select Metro
  4. Select Hennepin
  5. Click Confirm These Settings

Next, click your username in the upper-right and select Your Profile from the dropdown.

Missing information is indicated by a warning icon in the navigation panel on the left. Fill in all missing information, click the Save button and then click the Close button.

For organization information:
   Organization Name = ACGFA
   Division = Age Group (example 12U)
   Title = Coach

For Professional Role infomration:
   Select Volunteer

For Professional Setting information:
   Select Other and indicate softball field

Click the Pre-Assessment button to begin the course. 

See MN Softball's Concussion page for more information. >

ACE Training

ACE Training (Head coaches only)


If you are creating a new account, use the following information:
      Association = MN - Minnesota
      Group = Minn JO (Youth) - Play
      League = Minnesota Softball

Once logged in, select the ACE Education tab on the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

See MN Softball's ACE page for additional information.

Field Status

Open Open

Armstrong High School (12:58 PM | 08/09/24)

Open Open

New Hope Learning Center (12:58 PM | 08/09/24)

Closed Closed

Lee Park (08:31 AM | 08/16/22)

Closed Closed

Manor Park (12:07 PM | 11/06/22)

Closed Closed

Robbinsdale Middle School (12:07 PM | 11/06/22)

Open Open

Sanborn Park (12:58 PM | 08/09/24)

Open Open

Spanjers Park (12:58 PM | 08/09/24)

Closed Closed

Sunnyside Park (12:07 PM | 11/06/22)

Closed Closed

Begin Park (08:31 AM | 08/16/22)

Closed Closed

Medley Park (08:31 AM | 08/16/22)

Open Open

Northwood Park (01:01 PM | 08/09/24)